Unlocking Our Inner Beast
for All Dance Abilities Bodies
by Yumi Umiumare
Butoh for Unlocking Our Inner Beast
Australian-based Japanese Butoh dancer/choreographer Yumi Umiumare will
introduce the basic philosophy and physical exercises of Butoh, a Japanese dance
form. Participants will explore the intersection of movement and simple ritual,
fostering a deeper connection to themselves and unlocking their ‘inner beast’ as
part of their journey toward relief and liberation.
Over the past 15 years, Yumi has worked with many inclusive companies and
people with disabilities, creating new works, running workshops, and mentoring
their creative processes. Yumi also has personal experience, having supported her
brother, who was in a wheelchair after a brain hemorrhage, in expressing himself
creatively through movement. Yumi believes that everyone can dance and express
themselves deeply from their soul, regardless of physical and mental limitations.
This special workshop will be guided by each participant individual body
conditions and will introduce elements such as:
Grounding with gravity
Energising through Chi (energy)
Connecting with one’s own centre
Opening up ‘new’ ways of moving
Unblocking inner power
Embracing our Inner Beast
Finding one’s own authentic expression!
Participation: Open for all who have the experience or curiosity of movement practices, art and nature. No previous experience is needed.
Yumi Umiumare
(Butoh dancer, choreographer )
Yumi is an established Japanese Butoh dancer, choreographer, and
creator of Butoh Cabaret works. She moved from Japan to Australia in
1993 after touring with the seminal Japanese Butoh company
DaiRakudakan. For over 30 years, Yumi has been creating her distinctive
style of works, renowned for provoking visceral emotions and engaging
with cultural identities with a sense of humour. Her creations have been
seen across Australia, Japan, Europe, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, and
South America, and have been featured in numerous festivals worldwide.
As a choreographer, Yumi has worked on many socially engaged theatre
projects with Australian Aboriginal communities, refugees, culturally
diverse groups, and inclusive companies. She has been the artistic director
of ButohOUT! in Melbourne since 2017, playing an active role in the
international contemporary Butoh scene. Yumi’s recent works focus on
Dance, Tea, and Spirit, seeking deeper integration between the arts and
Photos by Vikk Shayen
The artist is supported by:

Sat 23.11 & Sun 24.11
10h - 12h
Arashi Colletive Movement Center
Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
Hösaal 5
1 workshop/2 hour: 60,-
2 workshops: 108,-
Information, reservations and registration
Supported by