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Maruska Ronchi - RED MOON - Ph. Nicola Bianchessi 4Z8A7885.jpg
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Butoh ritual Performance

This performance is about feminine dignity, as a universal human aspect, acknowledging its value, in its entirety. At the same time considering its multiple aspects and diverse energies as related to the lunar cycle. Just as the moon is always different, changing shape, appearing and disappearing, so is the complex and wonderful feminine universe.

A ritual performance to celebrate feminine energies, where the dancer digs in the subconscious to return archetypal images to the audience. An oneiric and hypnotic representation of reality, deformed, altering the essential elements of the figure, completely free from any reference to reality itself. In this way, referring to a different reality, “subtle worlds”, symbolic worlds, of the unknown, of the removed, of the shadow.

Opening the inner abyss to rediscover a mysterious universe, keeper of a forgotten wisdom. Rediscover the dual nature of the feminine, its deep connection with Mother Nature, that is generous and cruel at the same time, propitious and ruthless; Mother Nature that generates and kills, which contains in itself life and death in an endless cycle.

I start to play this performance in many European country in 2019. Since march 2019 when I heard the news of the famous human rights defender, the lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh arrest on 13 June2018, this performance became inextricably interconnected to her and became a means for me to raise the knowledge about her case and about Amnesty International's petition for Nasrin's release.


At the end of each performance I was doing a short speech about her and ask people to sing the petition. Unfortunately she is still in prison, but the fight for human rights continue.

Duration: 30 minutes

Maruska Ronchi is a butoh dancer, choreographer and performer.
She dances and teaches throughout Europe, Canada and Japan, as well as regularly teaching and working with Atsushi Takenouchi in the Butoh program in Italy. She uses oneiric language, images from the unconscious, to create her dance. She likes to conceive her dance and creative process as an alchemical one of dissolution and concrection, using reiteration of this work on the body, to achieve a transmutation of matter, where body and mind become one. Her dances further explore these processes, seeking a conjunction of opposites: Sulfur and Mercury, Sun and Moon, Apollo and Dionisus, order and chaos, active and passive, light and shadow, life and death. She explore how the movement creates the images and how images create movement, in a double and mutual interconnection. Through Butoh she discovered a new approach to dance, bringing her closer to ancient ritual and spiritual world, and find the unique beauty in each individual, each manifestation of nature. She is now combining her Contemporary Dance, Theatre and Somatic Practices background, with Butoh, to find different entrances into a “dance state”, revealing the bonds between the visible and
invisible world. She is also collaborating with other artists to make and develop original ways for new creations. She is one of the founder of two international groups, HAIKUMU project and Cie de ta Soeur. She worked and collaborate with Joan Laage (U.S.A.), Seisaku (Japan), Rianto (Indonesia), UnlockDancingPlaza dance company (Hong Kong), Benoit Lachambre (Canada).

FR 2.12 > 20h

Das Lot

Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien

Duration: 30 Min
Tickets:  25/15 €

(session with two other performances)


Das Lot Space

Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien

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Captura de Tela 2022-10-24 às 19.16.07.png

Maruska Ronchi



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