Monika Jantschnig aka Harley in cooperation with acousmatic composer Christian Tschinkel.
Somnifications addresses the fictitious audibility of the state of sleep. The conceptual structure is based on scientific findings about its stages. The sensual-poetic aspect aims at diving into dream realities in order to bring them into consciousness and to amplify them. Amplification is gain- ing the signals and the heightening of dream content through symbolic worlds and mythologies. Somnifications is the interplay of both readings on an auditory level – a play with the concrete- abstract.
Harley sets her hybrid dance performance in a sleep laboratory. As a sleeping person she awakens into the dream and develops her role in a wondrous parallel world, where the density of our day- to-day reality is different. Frequencies change. The absurd and the confusion unleash themselves.
Monika Jantschnig aka Harley in cooperation with
acousmatic composer Christian Tschinkel
20 minutes
SA 10.12 > 19:30 Uhr
Das Lot
Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien
Duration: 20 Min
(session with other performance)
Free Donation
Arrive at least 30 minutes early
to guarantee entry.
Das Lot Space
Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien