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“The Self, although hidden in all things, does not manifest its splendor”

We live under an enchantment, behind the veil of Maya, which hides the essential character of things, hypnotized by illusory ideas that generate desire, aversion or fear.

A white swan, wounded, oblivious of its splendour, dies and seems to scream: what is my name? How can one make the poison of the world's energies serve higher purposes? We can digest the poison or hold the nectar under our control.


The Serpent Goddess dances, the Kundalini: at first asleep, unconscious and dark, poisonous or poisoned; awakening she becomes harmless and her evil nature reveals itself as the most precious resource when no effect remains of the poison, glory and power spread throughout the body and the being mute. The old die to give birth to the unborn. The veil of Maya is also the power that reveals and removes ignorance, to remember that the spirit is in everything and being and never dies. The swan shining in its whiteness receives the world and with immense joy says to itself: "I am this”.


We are children of the Earth, our body is our sacred home. I dance with Mother Earth, her rivers and oceans, her forests and mountains. My empty body embraces the Universe, my spirit is love and compassion.

Butoh performance of Kea Tonetti

live-music by Tivitavi


Kea Tonetti: Butoh Dancer, Choreographer, Performer and Dance Teacher. Her formation in dance started in 1979, trained in classical, modern, contemporary dance and dance-theater in Italy, New York and Paris.  Since the 1990, she has been dancing in various dance or theater companies and at the same time she starts a long inner journey, researching in the disciplines and oriental spiritual paths, such as Yoga, Zen, Tantrism, Shamanism. She becomes Hara Yoga teacher, a practice founded by Giò Fronti, that also draws in part from Japanese culture. Besides since 2001 she began a therapeutic-artistic path through Psychogenealogy, Psychomagic,  Psychosciamanism and Marseille Tarots with Cristòbal Jodorowsky and Jade Doniz for 17 years. Since 2000 she has trained in Sensitive Dance®, a body practice born from the encounter between osteopathy and dance, founded by the dancer Claude Coldy, and the osteopaths JeanLouis Dupuy and Marie Guyon. In the same period she meets Butoh dance and falls in love with it, finding in this dance the opportunity to combine her research in dance and the spiritual one. She studied with several Butoh teachers, in Europe and Japan, among them: Atsushi Takenouchi, Yoshito Ohno, Mitsuyo Uesugi, Seisaku, Yuri Nagaota, Ko Murobushi, Yukio Waguri, Joan Laage, Hisako Horikawa, Natsu Nakajima, Masaki Iwana. Yumiko Yoshioka.  In 2008 she founded, with the  musician Tivitavi,  Compagniakha: a Butoh dance company which produces performances exhibited in festivals and theaters in Italy, Europe ( Paris, Amsterdam, Barcellona, Berlin, London, Lyon…), Mexico City , Russia and Ukraine;  The company has besides collaborated with several artists such as: Hiroko Komiya, Atsushi Takenouchi, Joan Laage, Monique Arnaud (Theatre Noh Master).  In 2021 with the performance "Mono", they won the artistic direction award of  “Le voci dell’Anima" Festival in Rimini.  Since more then 25 years she transmits her research in classes and workshops given in dancing rooms and nature sites, in Italy and abroad, also creating numerous performances with her students. She has a studio in Milan, Spazio Continuum, where she teaches and creates.


Tivitavi: sound artist and painter. In his research he made different cultural journeys and  he met different ethnic groups: the Navajo of Arizona, the Sami people of the Norwegian Lapland, the Tuvinian people, in Russian Mongolia and the Yolngu, Australian aboriginal people. During these trips, he gained a great deal of musical knowledge, both instrumental and vocal. At the same time he met several musicians as: Phil Drummy, Djalu Gurruwiwi (didjieridoo), Mari Boine (lappish singing), Saynko Namcylak (overtone singing of Tuva), Amelia Cuni (dhrupad singing), Lorenzo Galantini (bagpipe), Massimo Laguardia (tammorra drum) Lorenzo Gasperoni (Djembè), Francesca Gualandri (pneumafonia) and Mauro Tiberi (voice). He played with Lorenzo Sanguedolce, Fabio Malizia, Davide Livornese, Hiroko Komiya; for Cristobal Jodorowsky during his psicoshamanic rituals, Claude Coldy in Sensitive Dance workshops, and actually in Kea Tonetti workshops. He research on the relationship between sound and healing since many years. In 2008 met Albert Rabenstein, with whom he completed a training in Sound Massage according to the teachings of the “Centro de Terapia de Sonido y Estudios Armonicos” of Buenos Aires. He followed the training of Nada Yoga (sound yoga ) with Riccardo Misto. Since 2008 he collaborates with Kea Tonetti, with whom he founded the Spazio Continuum and the CompagniaKha, in the creations of Butoh dance performances and workshops.

Fr 9.12 > 21 Uhr

Das Lot

Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien

Duration: 40 Min
Tickets:  25 / 15 €


Das Lot Space

Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien

Meet The Team


Kea Tonetti

Butoh Dancer



Live-Music performance


Multimedia & Digital Production

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