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06 DEC

SOMATIC MAPS/sensation · trace · movement"

María Cas Rose – (Mexico)

Series of exercises allow us to connect with the sensations and memories that inhabit the body and make them visible through tracings and drawing gestures.

10h - 11h

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien


"White Crane Chuan"

Hu Chia (Taiwan)

Hu Chia will bring up a Taiwanese traditional martial art that we used for our Butoh training system. Will be speaking in English and Taiwanese, welcome to experience the atmosphere of our beautiful language.

11h - 12h

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien


"Urban landscape, body action"

Ita Raskin (Spain)

With body and conceptual art dynamics, we will approach to make an improvised collective performance, if possible in the street if the weather allows us, to connect our bodies with the sounds and shapes of the city.

12h - 13h

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien


"Poetic Dramaturgy for physical movement"

Lucía Sombras (Spain)

Methodology of creation through poetic images for solo or group Butoh performances. The development of the work takes place through some texts, images and different inspirations.

14h - 15h

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien


"The Call Home"

Jessica Cottee (Irland)

This workshop explores the Celtic myth of the Selkie, a seal woman whose sealskin is stolen from her one night by a lonely man. Without it she must live on land where her skin becomes dry and withered. This myth will form the basis of our explorations through dancing themes such as disconnection, hearing the call home and returning to the self where we can swim in our own sea.

15h - 16h

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien


"Tarot Butoh Cards"

Will Lopes (Brazil)

A meeting between self-knowledge, dance, performance and oracle. During this session, participants will have butoh techniques and a creative methodology of dance performance through the Tarot cards. The work goes through layers of Jungian Psychoanalysis, Transpersonal Psychology, Art Therapy, Butoh Dance, performance and contemporary artistic expression.

16h - 17h

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien


"Hybrid Laboratory"

Will Lopes (Brasil) & Maruska Ronchi (Italy)

After a day of workshops, exchange of techniques and knowledge between resident dancers and class participants, a space for collective creation will be opened to develop a group performance. The idea is to mix all the workshop materials and create 50 min hybrid work. The performance will be guided by Will Lopes and Maruska Ronchi and presented in the same place in the evening.

17:30h - 19:30h

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien

(only for participants of previous workshops)

Workshop costs:

1 workshop/1 hour: 30,-
2 workshops: 50,-
3 workshops: 60,-


 Day workshops: 100,-
2 days workshops 180,-


Information, reservations and registration
Phone: 01-4780609

"Performance: Resident Dancers Collective Creation #1"

After a day of workshops, exchange of techniques and knowledge, the resident dancers, of the first Hybrid Butoh Vienna Art Festival, class participants will present a 50min performance resulting from the hybridization of their works. The performance will feature dancers from Mexico, Taiwan, Spain, Ireland, South Korea, Ukraine, US, Mexico, Italy, Belgium, Brazil and Austria.

20h - 21h 

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien

10€ - 25

Information, reservations and registration

07 DEC

"Inner voice" - Resonance, ukrainian folk and sound healing.

Evgeniya Melkonyan (Ukraine)

At this workshop, we will work with 3 aspects of the Voice that are involved in singing: body, breath, and sound. We will practice movement, breathing, authentic sound and even with strong Ukrainian traditional singing. Also, we will use meditative settings and energy practices. 

10h - 11h

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien


"BODY LANDSCAPE / Extended drawing"

Tracey Fischer (US) and María Cas Rose (Mexico)

This is an experimental scenic exploration between the dancer and designer. From the quality of existence that Butoh implies, the body,  the gesture and the trace are mutually enhanced in this process to create a sense of presence.

11h - 12h

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien


"The dream of my intestines"

Filippo Pasquali (Italy)

It’s a journey of the self entering the self, visiting and dreaming, like a sleepwalker, his digestive system. It’s an irrational political attempt at self-coexistence within itself, where absurd imagery meets the accuracy and strictness of occidental anatomy.

12h - 13h

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien


"Butohtherapy, dance your authentic being"

Marijke De Puydt (Belgium)

Butoh is a body-oriented and transpersonal method in the path of authentic healing. An integration of Butoh in my work as a creative and I.V.-psychotherapist.

14h - 15h

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien


"Evolving the Perpetrator and Victim Archetypes"

Min Yoon (South Korea)

An artistic exploration of the perpetrator and victim archetypes with butoh dance and Anna and Daria Halprin’s Life/Art Process.

15h - 16h

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien


"Butoh Costume Design"

Veronica Vetrila (Italy)

I will guide you through the process of the creation of your own costume. You will receive notions about the methodology of costume design but we will focus on crafting an actual project. I will support you through teaching methods and suggest tips about manipulating fabrics, drapery and assemblation of materials.

16h - 17:30h 

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien

10 places - 30

"Hybrid Laboratory"

Will Lopes (Brasil) & Maruska Ronchi (Italy)

After a day of workshops, exchange of techniques and knowledge between resident dancers and class participants, a space for collective creation will be opened to develop a group performance. The idea is to mix all the workshop materials and create 50 min hybrid work. The performance will be guided by Will Lopes and Maruska Ronchi and presented in the same place in the evening.

18:h - 19:30h 

Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien

(only for participants of previous workshops)


Workshop costs:

1 workshop/1 hour: 30,-
2 workshops: 50,-
3 workshops: 60,-


Workshops day: 100,-
2 days workshops 180,-


Information, reservations and registration
Phone: 01-4780609

"Performance: Resident Dancers Collective Creation  #2"

After a day of workshops, exchange of techniques and knowledge, the resident dancers, of the first Hybrid Butoh Vienna Art Festival, class participants will present a 50min performance resulting from the hybridization of their works. The performance will feature dancers from Mexico, Taiwan, Spain, Ireland, South Korea, Ukraine, US, Mexico, Italy, Belgium, Brazil and Austria.


Lalish Theaterlabor

Gentzgasse 62, 1180 Wien

10€ - 25

Information, reservations and registration

09 DEC


First day of an intensive workshop; a deep dive into the ocean of life-giving dance, a transformative Butoh dance journey with live music guided by world-renowned Butoh master Atsushi Takenouchi and his companion and sound artist Hiroko Komiya.

14h - 18h - Feldenkrais Institut Wien

Taborstraße 71, 1020 Wien

Information, reservations and registration

10 DEC


The second day of an intensive workshop; a deep dive into the ocean of life-giving dance, a transformative Butoh dance journey with live music guided by world-renowned Butoh master Atsushi Takenouchi and his companion and sound artist Hiroko Komiya.

10h - 18h - Feldenkrais Institut Wien

Taborstraße 71, 1020 Wien


Information, reservations and registration

11 DEC


Third day of an intensive workshop; a deep dive into the ocean of life-giving dance, a transformative Butoh dance journey with live music guided by world-renowned Butoh master Atsushi Takenouchi and his companion and sound artist Hiroko Komiya.

10h - 18h - Das Lot Space

Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien

Information, reservations and registration


As a result of a 3-day workshop with Atsushi Takenouchi and Hiroko Komija, the dancer group will perform the final closing performance. This performance will bring together all the participants present at that moment. In the end, dancers, musicians and installations will be celebrated in thanks to the 11 days of the festival.

20h - 21:30h - Das Lot Space

Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien


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Proudly created by @willops

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